AHAVA School of the Heart - Level 4 Every other Wednesday 9:30am MT and 6:30pm MT
WOW! We had a magnificent, growing, stretching and healing time together in AHAVA Level 3. The adventure will indeed continue as we press into the Heart of God for the more of who we are and our individual and corporate call in the prophet and prophetic world today. Our world needs prophets of substance, courage and resolve. We must be committed to our role to release the voice of God in our spheres. We must be committed as Ambassadors and Solutionaries for the Kingdom of our God now. The world around us will need a company of prophetic reformers who make a way for cultural, society, family and individual transformation.
As a Company of Prophets and Prophetic People we will go deeper into healthy, relational and intentional connections. With the help of Holy Spirit we will mine the depths of our hearts, minds and call.
"Your own company, your own people, is the place that sees your call, understands its validity and vitalness, underpins you, and raises your arms in the tough times. For the prophet, who will always wrestle with the sharpness of their sword and the cuts it can make, life is almost un-survivable if you do not have these people around you. This kind of community of thriving requires deliberate, targeted, and specific investment of your time in relationships. These are the people who will encourage you by saying, “Don’t let your sword become dull; keep bringing weighty revelation!” - Emma Stark "Becoming the Voice of God"
Every Second Wednesdays for 16 Sessions - September 25th - December 4th, 2024 and January 15th - May 21st Connecting Labs will be held Mondays in between class sessions. Labs are designed for relational connection and to assist with homework and to asking deeper questions and discussion. (These are optional but encouraged.) Wednesday 9:30am MT OR Wednesday 6:30pm MT
Payment Plans can be arranged. Contact us at [email protected] for more information. We are excited to journey with you! You can pay by etransfer to [email protected] OR with the options below
You can also register your payment with an etransfer to: [email protected] or call us with your credit card information at 403-992-7108. We'd love to have you join us!
AHAVA School of the Heart - Level 4 - Topics
We will meet every other Wednesday on Zoom and continue to cultivate a community of prophets who pursue the heart of God together. We value discussion and sharpening one another as we study, wrestle and grow through studying the Word and activating our prophetic voices. Below is a list of topics we will cover in AHAVA Level 4.
Building an intentional Community of Prophets and Prophetic Voices
Vulnerability and Teachability
Old Covenant and New Covenant Prophets and Prophesy
Honing and Sharpening our Prophetic Gift and Voice - content, delivery and authority
Consecration - Lives on the Altar
Developing a lifestyle of intimacy and ministering to God as a bond servant
How Prophets function in the Five - Fold Team
Joy - Foundational Strength
Continued Development of our Interior Space - The need for Prophets and Prophetic People to be healed
Practicing Prophecy - Nurturing Curiosity, Embracing Mystery and Developing a Sense of Humour
Prophesying Your Year - Practical Application for Each Month of the Following Year
High Values and Core Values for People, Community and Social Groups
The Measure of Gifting for Metron and Areas of Influence
Beyond Essentialism - to Effortless - Making Decisions to Do What Matters Most
More Study on : 1. What Is A Prophet and Who Are They - Becoming a Prophet 2. The Word and The Prophet - How to Study Scripture
Studying Scripture - 4 Old Testament Prophets and 4 New Testament Prophets
Prophetic and Prophet Voices Who Bring The Kingdom - Moving from the Church Age to the Kingdom Age
Practical Application of our Metron Through Exploring and Interacting with different age, cultural and societal groups.
In depth understanding of our Prophetic Influence and how to steward the Kingdom through your voice
How to use Social Media and Broadcasting - Weekly submissions in our Social Media Group and beyond
Discernment and how to critique prophetic words
How to structure and deliver words for communities, cities and nations